23rd August 2011
Live Today
For Tomorrow It Will All Be History
Spring has always been my favourite time of year, I especially love the blossom on the trees and am amazed at the abundance of beauty that trees create as they begin their cycle of growth.
This photo (8th May 2010) I took while walking in a small wood near my home, two of my children and three of my grandchildren were with me. They grew impatient waiting for me as I stopped so many times to take photographs of all the wonderful signs of spring that surrounded us. They walked (or ran) past all of these things with just the odd glance, not stopping to appreciate the beauty that was all around us. I used to be that way, I certainly didn’t really appreciate the wonder of nature. But since I began to study and practise the Law of Attraction as taught by Abraham-Hicks, I began to change my perceptions, attitude and whole outlook on life. One of the earliest signs of change was that I began to notice the beauty in nature more, each time I went out I would ‘see’ things differently and appreciate more. Colours became more vibrant, shapes intrigued me, the variety amazed me… I had begun to see my world ‘Through The Eyes Of Source’ (Abraham-Hicks).
I now know that it is so important to live for the moment, to be happy NOW, appreciate and LIVE today, always doing our best to live in joy and love for all.
Tomorrow… when we look back on today… our history, there is no better memory than knowing that, our yesterdays were filled with happiness and love.

14th January 2018
I am going through all of my earlier blog entries to check and update them as they are all continuing to be viewed. I will not change my earlier writings, I am just checking for errors and adding more to each in some way or other. This was the very first, so it’s where I start…
It has been more than six years since I wrote this page, since then my family has grown, with four more grandchildren, I have moved home twice and developed my love of writing inspirational poetry.
Every previous word is still relevant to me, the only difference really is the increased strength of how much my perceptions have changed and that I would now talk to and point out things to my grandchildren, to encourage them to ‘see’ more.
Reading through this old blog entry I knew straight away what I would add. I wrote the following poem in November 2016.

Through The Eyes Of Source
My physical eyes have limited sight
Filters of thought and belief blur my view
But if I look Through The Eyes Of Source
I will see everything clearly and true
To look through with the Eyes Of Source
I first need to change and lighten my mind
I let go of any not-good feeling thoughts
And think ones that feel better and kind
I talk to myself about things that are good
And things that I really appreciate
Then as I feel that upliftment in me
Through The Eyes Of Source I will vibrate
Looking Through The Eyes Of Source
It is easy to appreciate and expand
By noticing all the beauty there is
Wherever my enchanted gaze may land
Walking outside with Mother Nature
Using the Eyes Of Source as my looking glass
My vision sometimes gets blurred with tears
At the intense magnificence of everything I pass
With the colours, shapes, size and variety
Of the infinite abundance of nature’s forms
From the majestic tall trees to a daisy in the grass
Looking Through The Eyes Of Source, my heart warms
In every face there is a simple beauty
The Eyes Of Source will always see
Wrinkled, scarred – it matters not
Even looking in a mirror at me
The intoxication I feel has seeped into my life
I am now selective on where my focus will be
I’ve lost interest in looking with my dull ‘human’ eyes
As Through The Eyes Of Source I now choose to see
title & theme: Abraham-Hicks
poem by: Trina Graves