There Is Always Something Beautiful To Be Experienced

Wayne Dyer quote on photograph

18th September 2011

There Is Always Something Beautiful To Be Experienced
Wherever You Are
Right Now – Look Around You
And Select Beauty As Your Focus

Wayne Dyer

This is something that I have been learning to do for a while now, it does become easier and as time passes you realise that you are doing it naturally. Without having to think about it, beauty becomes your main focus, on whatever you are looking at. Cool!

I chose this photograph for the quote as it was ‘just a piece of ground’ as I was out walking in the small woods near my home. But in that one infinitesimal part of our world, there is an absolute abundance of beauty, if you open yourself up to ‘seeing’ it.

I follow the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, which is how I learnt to focus on the abundance of beauty that surrounds us all, and is also why I began this website, to share my love of inspirational words. Before I began this site I had not read much from Wayne Dyer, but now, (as you can see from the abundance of quotes from Wayne Dyer on different pages)I greatly admire and appreciate his words of wisdom.

I just love the following video, – the wonderful words of wisdom from Abraham, – the mesmerizing voice and insightful questions from Wayne Dyer, – the beautiful, haunting music from ‘The Mission’ soundtrack and inspiring video clips of our stunning planet and awesome universe. Altogether – a beautiful experience that I never tire of listening to.

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