These health sayings are all positive and inspirational words of wisdom about being healthy and also about healing. They are all from unknown sources. For many more wise words of encouragement and advise on creating a healthy mind and body there is also a page of Healing and Health Quotes from known sources.

Health Sayings: A
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.
A wise physician said…’The best medicine for humans is Love.’
Someone asked, ‘ What if it doesn’t work?’
He smiled and answered, ‘Increase the dose.’

Sayings About Health: C
Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health.

Health Sayings: H
Happiness is the greatest medicine.
Healing comes when we relinquish our beliefs about what conditions of our lives SHOULD have been, and become willing to accept and eventually even appreciate what simply is.
Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional lift. You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance and twelve for growth. Scientists say that hugging is a form of communication because it can say things you don’t have the words for. And the nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can’t give one without getting one.

Sayings About Health: K
Kind words are like honey, sweet to the Soul and healthy for the body.

Sayings About Health: L
Life should be measured by how many moments take your breath away, instead of how many breaths you take.

Sayings About Health: M
Modern science is still unable to produce a better tranquillizer than a few kind words.

Health Sayings: S
Silence gives rest to the mind…and this means giving rest to the body. Sometimes rest is the only medicine needed.
Spending time in nature is healing energy.

Sayings About Health: T
Take a walk, not a pill…The side effects are much prettier.
The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1.
The body heals with play.
The mind heals with laughter.
And the spirit heals with joy.
The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it.
The two greatest healers are God and time.

Sayings About Health: Y
Your ability to heal comes from knowing that you will heal.
Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.