These romantic sayings are all words of love from unknown sources. The quotes from known sources that were previously on this page are now on the Romantic Love Quotes page
Romantic sayings are listed alphabetically

Romantic Sayings: A
Anyone can catch your eye… but it takes someone special to catch your heart.

Romantic Sayings: B
Because I love you truly, because you love me too…
My greatest happiness is sharing life with you.

Romantic Sayings: D
Distance means so little when someone means so much.

Romantic Sayings: E
Even when it rains, old and true love never rusts.
Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite.
Everyone comes with baggage… Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack.

Romantic Sayings: I
I am thankful everyday I live, for the warmth and kindness that you give. Thankful that in God’s design, He planned it so your path crossed mine.
I knew that I’d been touched by love the first time I saw you and I felt your warmth, and I heard your laughter.
I knew that I had been touched by love when I was hurting from something that happened, and you came along and made the hurt go away.
I knew that I had been touched by love when I stopped making plans with my friends and started dreaming dreams with you.
I knew that I had been touched by love when I suddenly stopped thinking in terms of ‘me’ and started thinking in terms of ‘we’.
I knew that I had been touched by love when suddenly I couldn’t make decisions by myself any more
I knew that I had been touched by love the first time we spent alone together, and I knew that I wanted to stay with you forever because I had never felt this touched by love.
I like me when I am with you.
I love you more than yesterday… and less than I will tomorrow.
If I had a flower for every time you made me smile and laugh, I’d have a garden to walk in forever.
If I had to choose whether to breathe or to love you, I would use my last breath to tell you that I love you.
If I told you everything I love about you, I’d never be able to finish.
If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.
If two hearts are meant to be friends, no matter how long it takes, how far they go, how tough it seems, fate will bring them together to share friendship forever.

Romantic Sayings: M
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
My love for you is a journey… Starting at forever… And ending at never.
My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.

Romantic Love Sayings: O
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

Romantic Love Sayings: P
People cannot win another’s heart with love alone. They win it by understanding the other’s complexities, allowing freedom, encouraging endeavors, sharing adventures, fueling passions, stretching intellectual limits and inspiring the other to be the best person he or she could ever be.

Romantic Love Sayings: S
Sitting next to you, doing absolutely nothing, means absolutely everything to me.
Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.
Soul mates… two halves of the same Soul, joining together in life’s journey.

Romantic Sayings: T
Take care of my heart… I’ve left it with you.
The most eloquent silence… that of two mouths meeting in a kiss.
The spaces between your fingers were created so that another’s could fill them in.
To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it to them when they have forgotten.
True love doesn’t have a happy ending.. True love has no ending.
True love is a sacred flame
that burns eternally.
And none can dim its special glow
or change its destiny.
True love speaks in tender tones
and hears with gentle ear,
True love gives with open heart
and true love conquers fear.
True love makes no harsh demands
it neither rules nor binds,
And true love holds with gentle hands
the hearts that it entwines.
True love is when you put someone on a pedestal and they fall… but you are there to catch them.
True love never grows old.
True love stories – never have endings.

Romantic Love Sayings: W
When I say “I love you,” it’s not because I want you or because I can’t have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I’ve seen your kindness and strength. I’ve seen the best and worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what and who you are.

Romantic Love Sayings: Y
You are, what I never knew, I always wanted.
You’re the best part of my day.